Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Streams of consciousness...aka My Mental Traffic

To Do List! (or my Just One More Thing list)

*Laundry from Evan...after camp.  Plus, prep trunk for another year in storage.
*Get taxes to accountant...more like, request another extension. 
*Clean that guest bedroom.  The in-laws are coming! The in-laws are coming!
*Perform garage exorcism.  There are too many clutter demons in there.  And in my closet.  And in the office. And in the laundry room.
*Bathrooms need a good cleaning.  Evan can help with that.
*Must organize yarn and knitting/crocheting patterns.  (It should sound fun...)

When Martha Stewart, whom I dearly love, has her staff plan her calendar, she sounds very industrious and sophisticated.  If I approach my tasks with the same aplomb, perhaps they won't seem so odious.  (Also, if I refer to them as "tasks" or "projects" not "chores" I am more inclined to acquiesce.  Pretty words help, too)

Knit Wit Runner

In my world, the next best thing to running is knitting. A bonus? Knitting while binge watching a beloved series! I don't do this very o...