Thursday, May 4, 2017



Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May Day...May Day

In a blink of an eye,  May 2nd showed up.  And not a moment too soon! It means we're barreling towards the end of the school year!(Funny that one of the suggested words as I typed "school" was Advil! BAHAHAHAHA)

What this girl needs is endorphins.  The kind you get from running. Which I did Monday night.  And it. Was. Fabulous!!! I haven't run since...uh, well,  since Febr...wait, no!!! January?!? WHAAAT?
Shoulder of shame. No smiling. (a funny thing I do with my students)
For someone who absolutely sucks at sports and couldn't possibly be further from the description athletic, running is my happy place.  It's got everything that this girl loves: fun clothes (um, running skirts,  duh!),  colorful shoes (with butterfly wings!!) FABU music and friends who like the same things!!

In my mind, when I'm running, I'm The Chick who has her shite together. But not in the snotty way. The good way, where friends aren't jealous. The Chick whose running outfits are "on fleek."  The Chick who doesn't have a complete disaster area for a closet and a home office called Tash's lair (15 points for getting that obscure reference). The Chick who meal plans and remembers that sugar makes her hips hurt so she avoids it.
(Also, in that imaginary world,  food doesn't have calories. A girl can dream.  Don't judge.)

Sigh....instead, I'm the girl who aspires to be The Chick who...

Now, if you'll excuse me,  I'm going for a run...after I take an Advil...and find a pair of  socks, that may or may not match...sigh

Knit Wit Runner

In my world, the next best thing to running is knitting. A bonus? Knitting while binge watching a beloved series! I don't do this very o...