Saturday, June 10, 2017

Knit Wit Runner

In my world, the next best thing to running is knitting. A bonus? Knitting while binge watching a beloved series! I don't do this very often because it is SUPER indulgent. I mean, I have Tash's lair to organize, a bathroom to clean, my bedroom and closet to exorcise. I can't really afford that kind of time doing something so singular. But today, I watched almost a whole season of Doctor Who (a gal has to catch up) and knitted a messy bun hat for my friend Teri from start to finish!

I even managed to get in some exercise (definitely going to be sore tomorrow.) And, ran a couple of errands AND supervised Evan's cooking of dinner.

Tomorrow's agenda? Running followed by crafting a birthday gift for a friend followed by helping the BHS theatre teacher move followed by attending a birthday party.  (Oh, I'll squeeze in some knitting.  It is National Knit in Public Day after all.)

Thursday, May 4, 2017



Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May Day...May Day

In a blink of an eye,  May 2nd showed up.  And not a moment too soon! It means we're barreling towards the end of the school year!(Funny that one of the suggested words as I typed "school" was Advil! BAHAHAHAHA)

What this girl needs is endorphins.  The kind you get from running. Which I did Monday night.  And it. Was. Fabulous!!! I haven't run since...uh, well,  since Febr...wait, no!!! January?!? WHAAAT?
Shoulder of shame. No smiling. (a funny thing I do with my students)
For someone who absolutely sucks at sports and couldn't possibly be further from the description athletic, running is my happy place.  It's got everything that this girl loves: fun clothes (um, running skirts,  duh!),  colorful shoes (with butterfly wings!!) FABU music and friends who like the same things!!

In my mind, when I'm running, I'm The Chick who has her shite together. But not in the snotty way. The good way, where friends aren't jealous. The Chick whose running outfits are "on fleek."  The Chick who doesn't have a complete disaster area for a closet and a home office called Tash's lair (15 points for getting that obscure reference). The Chick who meal plans and remembers that sugar makes her hips hurt so she avoids it.
(Also, in that imaginary world,  food doesn't have calories. A girl can dream.  Don't judge.)

Sigh....instead, I'm the girl who aspires to be The Chick who...

Now, if you'll excuse me,  I'm going for a run...after I take an Advil...and find a pair of  socks, that may or may not match...sigh

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Ketchup on the Blog?! WHAT?

No, no, no! Not ketchup,  you 4th grader! Catch up! Catch up on your blog!  LOL
Definitely feeling punchy this evening...the tequila is catching up with me. See what I did there? Catching up...anyways...

The week, in a nutshell:

* STAAR Rapid Review started today (aka boot camp, aka reminding the kids that they DO know this stuff, if they'll just THINK, aka last minute cramming for 12 more days)

*Evaluation today (so not stressed about it, it doesn't change how i teach. I do the same thing with or without anyone in my room)

*Dinner out with fam and one of my teaching partners

*A HUGE mango margarita

*Mindless browsing of Pinterest

*Trying to think of a blog post

Since when did my eyelids get so very heavy? For........

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Take two...

The fact that it's a 4-day week and the start of the last 6 weeks of school AND a rainy, indoor-recess for 2 of the 4 days AND a waning full moon...I really shouldn't be surprised by the abysmal behavior of my homeroom students  (well, all of them, actually) But truth be told,  I was surprised.  This was one of those weeks where I seriously considered my current career choice, generally speaking.  But today? Today was one of "those" days.  The "Alexander and the terrible, horrible,  no good,  very bad day" children's book kind of day. 

My homeroom is sprinkled with "those" kids...the hard-to-love kids...the extra-grace-required, unclaimed freight kids.  I have to confess, this week I wasn't thinking about how,  for those babies, school is actually the best part of their day because life at home sucks.  I wasn't looking at their behavior as the defense mechanism they use to cover up their learning deficits. I was looking at it like their personal plan for my defeat and utter failure. Typically,  the  behaviors ramp up before a holiday because these kids don't have the words to express their fear or frustration. I'm not going to hear, "Mrs. Pope,  I'm unable to acquiesce to your request to not (insert inappropriate behavior choice here)  because I'm freaking out over (fill in the blank.) Rather, the message is conveyed through whining,  crying, yelling, avoiding work, screeching, pushing,  shoving,  slapping, tackling, cussing, mean-mugging, hiding, blaming everyone else.  THAT was how my day ended today.  With a list of the usual suspects who lost their ever-loving minds and acted out. For the bazillionty-jillionth time.

Even though I know better than to take the behavior personally,  I did. All math class does, is provide a means through which "people-ing skills" are learned.  This isn't the last time they're going to hear about decimals,  fractions, the 4 operations,  etc. This IS when a foundation for functioning semi-normally in society is laid. Most days, I have the grace and aplomb to handle the behaviors. Today was not that day. Welcome to the human race,  Mrs. Pope.  At least you don't breathe fire!

Here's where God's sense of humor kicks in.  The very children whom I'd like nothing better than to strangle with my bare hands, hugged me goodbye. Hugged me goodbye and wished me a happy Easter.
Hugged me...the woman who is figuratively plotting their death...or at least a few days without recess. Talk about humbled.

Fast forward past after school duty. I bolted at 3:15. Made it to my truck before the first tears fell. I proceed to have a conversation with God, one-sided, of course.  "I. Can't. Do. This. I'm. Not. Strong. Enough."  Cue the sobbing, the ugly crying and the gnashing of teeth.  All the way home. After all this,  I hear God's still, small voice, "Are you finished?" (He's very patient with my tantrums; this is not his first rodeo.)  Like only God can, He sends a whisper through my mind and my heart. A soft, gentle prompting: look at your pictures. The teacher album on my phone.  "This," He says, "this is why you do what you do. This is what I enabled you to do." The hug from M.A. and T.R. The picture from A.B. The notes...the Sonic drink from a mom today...All humbling reminders...I. Can. Finish. I. Am. Strong. Enough.

Just When I Want to Throw in the Towel

Oops! Seriously...posting a blank page? Blog blooper!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Brain Drain...Brain Dump...

Brain...whatever you want to call it. Clearing out the mental traffic, blah blah blah...rambling on...

*thank God for a 4-day week
*this teacher loves jeans day
*why are hashtags "a thing?"
*omg, my students are gonna fail STAAR
*remember to order Chick-fil-A for BHS Theatre tomorrow and deliver
*can't believe Target didn't have freaking sherbet to make punch did the bridal shower this afternoon
*no, stay positive,  your kids will do great on STAAR
*only 6 more Thursdays, only 6 more Thursdays
*if I go to sleep now, I'll get 8 hours
*(giggling to self) no sherbet, WTH
*Pepto-Bismol colored punch for the bridal shower...not living that down for a loooooong time
*grace under pressure:when the punch geiser happened DURING THE SHOWER
*that might make a great blog title,  Grace Under Pressure
*omg, my students are gonna fail STAAR
*stay positive
*stay positive
*pray hard
*I'm going to be sore tomorrow: deadlifts and squats AND shoulders
*Julie is such a great trainer
*SO excited about the Shiner Half Marathon!!
*stop letting your homeroom make you rethink your career
*yes, it IS too late to consider stripping as a viable source of income
*omg, my kids are gonna...STOP RIGHT NOW!
REFRAME: My kids are going to ROCK the test
*remember changing the "I can" statement to "I can...make the STAAR test my bitch" and texting Bridget
*she replied,  "Pope. I can't even. "
*if I go to sleep now...7.5 hours
*watching Whose Line...i LOVE when they do "songs of the _____" (plumber,  butcher, bus driver) #hilarious

Knit Wit Runner

In my world, the next best thing to running is knitting. A bonus? Knitting while binge watching a beloved series! I don't do this very o...