Thursday, April 20, 2017

Ketchup on the Blog?! WHAT?

No, no, no! Not ketchup,  you 4th grader! Catch up! Catch up on your blog!  LOL
Definitely feeling punchy this evening...the tequila is catching up with me. See what I did there? Catching up...anyways...

The week, in a nutshell:

* STAAR Rapid Review started today (aka boot camp, aka reminding the kids that they DO know this stuff, if they'll just THINK, aka last minute cramming for 12 more days)

*Evaluation today (so not stressed about it, it doesn't change how i teach. I do the same thing with or without anyone in my room)

*Dinner out with fam and one of my teaching partners

*A HUGE mango margarita

*Mindless browsing of Pinterest

*Trying to think of a blog post

Since when did my eyelids get so very heavy? For........

1 comment:

  1. Whoop! Another post a wonderful observation, and a margarita- bonus!


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