Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Call Me "Sweaty Betty"

Talk about gettin' your sweat on!! I'm on day 3 of my week long bootcamp with my trainer, Chrisinator. A fellow parent from Bowen saw me today and complimented me on my slimming shape. She asked me how I'm doing it and I told her I have a 21 y.o. trainer to which she replied, "Where can I get one?"

Surprisingly, I am not as exhausted as I was anticipating. I'm sore, for sure. But not exhausted. Good sign? I'll take that as a yes...we go for the small victories. I never thought I'd be the kind of person who "loooooves" the gym (not that there's anything wrong with that). I totally enjoy going! I've become so addicted to my ipod and putting together playlists and then trying them out and then that turns into me liking the working out, sweaty part. If I'm not soaked by the time I leave the gym, even with a "5-5-5" or "10-10-10" cardio thing (minutes on arc trainer, treadmill and recumbent bike) then I haven't worked hard enough. Sweat stains are my badge of honor, including the embarrassing know, THOSE sweat marks...

As I was finishing my arc experience today, complete with a body bar held above my head like a soldier running with a rifle, I was gulping air like it was cold water. I thought to myself, "Chris does this so I can't run my mouth during the workout". His grin confirmed my suspicion...IT IS POSSIBLE TO STOP STEPHANIE FROM TALKING!!!! Stick her on a cardio machine at high intensity for 8 to 10 minutes and she shuts up!

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