Thursday, March 12, 2009


If you try to find the definition for "velocitization" in Webster's Dictionary, you won't. But, look in Urban Dictionary and you will. Velocitization is becoming desensitized to high speed. You know that feeling you get when you've been driving 70 mph and suddenly need to slow down through a small town? You hit the brakes to bring your speed down to, say, 35 mph. Y-o-u
f-e-e-l l-i-k-e y-o-u-r-e i-n ssssssss-----lllllll------ooooooooo---------wwwww mmmmmmm----ooooooo---ttttttttt-------iiiiiiiii-----ooooooooo-------nnnnnnnnnn. Like crawling through quick dry concrete as it hardens around you. Like thick molasses being poured outside in freezing weather. You get the idea. I am experiencing velocitization. Not behind the wheel of my car at the moment. Behind the "wheel" of my life. You don't realize how fast life travels until YOU can't travel at the "normal" pace. My torn plantar fascia has opened my eyes to my "life velocitization syndrome."

Suddenly, I can't walk at my usual pace. I can't move with my normal gait. The one that I use when I walk through the house, or to the car, or from the car to the store/school/church/etc. The one that says, "I have a purpose. I have a place to be, three seconds AGO." This FRUSTRATES me!! I prefer fast. I have to admit it. I am a "fast-aholic." I walk fast. I talk fast. I want to get things done fast so I can move on to the next thing, whatever it is, but make it FAST. My gimpy foot is unable to keep up with my fastness. It rebels when I try to hurry it up. It shoots pain up my leg, through my knee and hip, to my brain. Brain translates the message, "Slow down, Stephanie McSpeedypants!!!! That HURTS!!" So while I sit with ice on my inflamed fascia, I am forced to face my situation. It occurred to me that it is no accident that this happened to me when it did. Sure, there's never a "convenient" time for an injury with a
3 to 6 week sentence (I mean recovery). But when I really think about it (NOT a fast process), I can see Providence at work. I'm not saying God made me hurt my foot. I am saying that by looking at this from a godly perspective, I can see that He wants me to slow down. He wants me to take my time: to pray, to read His word, to listen to my husband and son in an un-Stephanie kind of speed, to listen to friends...really listen. So with grateful tears, my prayer has changed from "God, please heal my foot superFAST" to "God, please help me slow down, see opportunities, and catch up on the things of life that I sped through."

You know what? God answers prayer! Always. Even when we move too fast to see it. AND especially when we ask Him to help us slow down and then deal with the slowed down-ness. That's just how God rolls!

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