Sunday, October 28, 2012

Please don't hate me because I'm sloppy!

Remember that ad from a million years ago, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful"?  I think it can apply to the "dark side" of us, too.  Like me and my messy house, that is. 

So we finally moved Evan's bedroom to the other side of the house.  The room formerly known as "the scary room". In order to do that, I emptied the room of EVERYTHING.  Well, I started then dragged my friend Karin in to keep me company.  (I occupied her with the shredder AND treated her to lunch to make the offer appealing! She joins the esteemed ranks of "Great Friends Who Have Helped Stephanie Clean the Scary Room."  Members include Amy Wynn, Kelly Wilson, Elizabeth Osborne, Debbie Peterson, & Jamie Boyd)  Once the stuff was cleared, then Bobby and I moved the furniture.  We managed to do it in a day.  The furniture part.  Evan was super in re-stocking his new closet and replacing toys on shelves, etc.  The eye-opener was just how much c-r-a-p we had in that room!  OMW! The stuff had to go somewhere while we moved the big objects.  So, it went into the guest room AND living room AND breakfast table.  Karma moved in and stayed awhile, people!  This is sooooo what I get for dogging my father-in-law years ago when I helped clean out his office with my two sisters-in-law.  (even as a Christian, I still say karma is real and it works!)

Seriously, please don't hate me because I'm messy!  Please don't report us to "Hoarders"!  I am cleaning it up, I promise!  It looks 1,000 times better now than it did.  Here's the deal:  I am not doing the classic thing I always do when faced with unwanted mess:  shove it anywhere it fits.  That's my approach.  "Hey, it may take 15 minutes to put things where they belong, but it only takes 30 seconds to toss, cram, shove whatever in the spare room, then close and lock the door."  I am finally saying enough.  Enough of the crazy jam-style cleaning method.  BTW, it doesn't matter how many cleaning, organizing, decluttering, etc. books you buy.  Until you have had enough and your sanity can't take it anymore, that's when motivation strikes.  That AND seeing the entirety of your mess spread out before God and everybody.  It's like standing in the town square in your oldest, shabbiest underwear!  Not a pretty picture, people!!

My husband and son have been very patient with me in the process of going through and eliminating all superfluous junk.  (Especially when I threaten to throw out anything that belongs to them but has found a home in a place that really isn't its home.  Did any of that make sense?)

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