Friday, February 20, 2009

Feel the THUNDAH!!!

We-ee-ee-ee-ee are the champions...we-ee-ee-ee-ee have our green belts...gone are the losers 'cuz we are the champions...

In our "breaking" headline (pun intended), the Pope family successfully executed the required tae kwon do form AND back kick board break (Stephanie can do it with her eyes closed!) Trees around the area are is much of the furniture in the Pope household. Nothing builds your confidence more than busting a 1/2 inch thick piece of wood! Stephanie was the first in the class of yellow/green belts to break. On her third try, her foot went straight on through the board with a pleasing "CRACK"! (Bobby fearlessly held the board for Steph to kick...He's so brave!) Josh went next, followed by Manasir.

THEN it was Evan's turn. He is a super tae kwon do-er!!! Mr. Effortless performed the break like he could do it in his sleep. In fact, it looked like he just tapped the board with his toe and it crumbled in fear.

Cue Bobby. Stephanie returned the favor for Bobby by holding the board for his break. His first kick landed on her hand. (She's so tough that it didn't even phase her). The next kick, however, splintered the board in two!!

1 comment:

Knit Wit Runner

In my world, the next best thing to running is knitting. A bonus? Knitting while binge watching a beloved series! I don't do this very o...