Wednesday, February 18, 2009


P.S. There's a belt test on Friday at TKD! The Popes are testing for green belts with a back kick break. What I want is matching superhero tee-shirts for us, a la The Incredibles! (An addendum to The Sweat Goes On: I told Chrisinator last Friday that I was going to put his picture on the board I was going to break. I just want to say that I was under duress at the time and cannot be held responsible for anything said. Extreme sweat does that to people. FYI.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steph! So glad to see that you are blogging! I love blogs, and now I have someone else to add to my "Friends that Blog" list. My blog is only by invite only (long story later), so I'll send you the invite!


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