Friday, October 30, 2009

My Mother Warned Me About This...

Okay, my mother warned me that something like this would happen one day. One day my "smart mouth" would get me into trouble. Now really, this is not the first time. I mean, in all of my 40 years I have definitely smarted off a time or ten. Most of those times have been chalked up to me being sarcastic and people getting that. There have a few times when I've been sarcastic and people don't get it. Their loss. (I'd like to order a sense of humor, please!) But, most people who know me know that about me. Occasionally my sarcasm has more bite to it, like when I'm in a "discussion" (read: argument) with Bobby. I can definitely lay it on pretty thick when provoked. So here's the story about a girl, an FB friend and their posts.

Once upon a time there was a fairly young woman named Talking Stephanie. She LOVES making friends and talking to people. In fact, talking is one of her favorite pastimes. Talking Stephanie can't sit next to someone and not chit-chat. When she found Facebook, Talking Stephanie was in heaven. She could "friend" people, past and present. It was a great way to connect with newbie friends and reconnect with the golden oldies.

One day, a newbie friend named Needy Eilsel, sent a friend request to Talking Steph, who accepted. The two gals had met recently and seemed to get along very well. Not hard when you only see each other twice a week at a social activity. They each read the other's occasional FB posts. Needy tended to post only when she or a member of her immediate family was ill. The posts weren't the "feeling sick" or "running fever" variety but the "my (fill in the blank) is sick with purple pus coming out of his ears" variety. EEWWWwwwwww! If you gotta post that you're sick, please spare us the deets!!

Tempted though she was, Talking Steph did her best not to snark on those grosser than gross posts. Until one day several months ago. She basically responded with a "sucks to be you" comment. (There's the smart mouth rearing it's ugly head) The comment stayed under the radar. Yucky, sickening detailed posts continued appearing from Needy on a regular basis. It took a herculean effort for Talking Steph to keep her "eeewwwww" comments to herself.

Two weeks ago, Talking Steph could keep her self-control no longer. There it was. The "sicky" post. As if under some magic spell, Talking Stephanie's fingers bounced over the keyboard of her computer typing a snarkier than snarky comment. Then those same fingers clicked "reply". Talking Stephanie went on about her life completely oblivious to the havoc that her snarky comment wreaked. Last night, she was busted for it! Needy had messaged her with a four-paragraph long letter chewing her up one side and down the other. Talking Stephanie got told! Bad!

After a few minutes, her head stopped spinning from the virtual slap. Talking Stephanie couldn't believe the hornets' nest she'd walked into. She must've really caught Needy on a BAD day. She should've heard the cracking noise. (that would be the camel's back breaking from one too many straws!) Talking Stephanie couldn't believe her eyes and probably read the letter fifteen times before deciding whether or not to respond. She finally decided. Respond with an apology. Then, unfriend. That way no more annoyingly disgusting posts would make their way onto her computer screen. "Dear Needy, I am so sorry. I didn't realize. It won't EVER happen again. EVER." Unfriend.

And Talking Stephanie lived happily ever after with her real friends after all.

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