Thursday, September 10, 2009

Holy Cow!! It's September already?!

And not "just September"...but we're 1/3 of the way into the month! Not to sound like a 100 y.o. woman but where did the time go??

So I've made it this far into the year with only a few days of "baby regret" or "why have I waited so long to have a second child?" That is a very slippery slope into the "I'm here for the pity party...table for 1." (I think I've caught "Mary-itis" or "put quotation marks around EVERYTHING" disease! MUST STOP NOW!)

When I was pregnant with Evan and blissfully ignorant of the behind-the-scenes world of mothers, I would sit and plan. I wanted to be pregnant with baby #2 by the time Evan was
2 1/2. That would make him 3 when the baby was born. Then possibly I might want to have a 3rd when baby #2 was 2 1/2. Well, that bubble burst and left gum goo all over my face!

Now I have a 7 y.o. And a lot of regret. Honestly, I think the reason I try to stay super busy is so that I am sooooo distracted by everything else that I think I won't have time to be sad over the fact that we have no baby #2. (or #3, come to that)

I do take comfort in the fact that I'm not the only one who will have two kids WAY far apart in age and basically be raising two "only" children (according to Dr. Kevin Leman, guru of birth order) I just need to focus on that comfort and not the regret.

Easier said than done.

1 comment:

  1. You know, there's so many ways to look at that. I wanted my girls to be 2.5 to 3 years apart, and they are. I wanted them to be close, and I still hope that someday they will be. :) But I have looked back many times since and realized that Cass was still such a baby herself when Kelsey was born. I can watch video of that time, and I feel like I didn't even pay attention to some of the hysterical things Cassidy was doing. I was too focused on the "baby". My nieces are 6 years apart, and I think it works well for them. Not alot of sibling rivalry so far. The older one seems to be more nurturing because of the age difference. Anyway, just rest assured that it will work out for you in the way maybe it was meant to be, and there will always be a bright side!


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